February 16, 2013

Pushing the Moon

Pushing the Moon

By Marisa Bernhard

I stood at the edge, my feet barely touching the ground. 
The moon rose in front of me huge and bright.
I saw it all for the first time…it was hard getting here no doubt.
A sad and crooked road led me to the moon.
If I touch it can I push it back to a happier time….how hard do I need to push?
I stood at the edge in front of the moon-
Everything became illuminated…I took it all in.
I knew in my heart, that we were all misplaced.
I and he traveled from the west, they traveled from the east.
Bright, round and full lit the way ….on common ground we met.
We all knew….


My words are down;my soul is bare...now it's; your turn please share: